Relax Hotel is one of most beautiful places of Azerbaijan is located 33 km far from Lankaran-Lerik region.Here,all facilites have been provided for your rest, unforgettable spending your time.”Relax” is a recreation center that can compete with the best, well-knownrecreation places of the world. By human’s efforts, hands this lovely place of the nature has become more rich, notable. Here,the nature itself has created all conditions for people’s rest, staying far from racket, calming nerves, restoring health. Cottage-type houses and standart hotel rooms are provided with soft furniture, hot and cold water, cable television, telephone and wireless internet services. Eastern style summerhouses constructed in the center, 350-person summer and winters restaurants servicing national and European dishes, restaurant-bar, disko club, bowling, children entertainment areas, billiards,tennis, football,volleyball grounds, tennis court, boats for sailing in river are at the disposal of visitors coming here. “Relax” is a hotel complex obviously reproducing development of tourism in our republic.A human staying, resting, relaxing here gets pleasant impressions and images.
Entertainments: discotheque,summerhouses,football and volleyball grounds,tennis court,excursions,bowling,billiards,square cercles,shooting gallery,horse breeding. The amusing places are irreplaceable opportunity for interesting rest of tourists. Sailing in melodious mountain river by catamaran and boats,fishing, as well as eastern tea and hookahs served say about the singulariry of servicing.
Our services: woman massage, man massage, face treatment, electric stimulation, thermal covering, vibromassage, sauna,VIP sauna, vitamin bar, shop. Restaurants: The history of national cuisine of Azerbaijan is ancient as much as the history of people. The Azerbaijani culinary is sufficiently distinguished with its historical origin and singularity.The Azerbaijani dishes are very known in the world for their high taste qualities.They cannot be mixed with other dishes.Because of taste and preparation methods,as well as addition of spisy and savoury seasonings the Azerbaijani dishes are very close to the Eastern cuisine. “Relax” will introduce and enjoy you with a wide range of Azerbaijani national cuisine and European dishes, as well as other well-known national dishes. Our center operates 3 restaurants. VIP restaurant The center restaurant The on-bank restaurant Summerhouses: On-river summerhouse On-lake summerhouse On-spring summerhouse Are for your servicing all days long.You will be able completely to relax in this plase where you can stay alone far from all noises, while drinking tea in clear air of the mountains, greenness pleasing the eye.Along with resting you can enjoy with tasty tea and water hookahs. Bars: If in the afternoon or in the evening you want both to talk and drink with your friends and at the same time to spend interesting and amusing time, so you can prefer the most beautiful places-our cafes and bars.For such purposes you can gain the sufficient time if you visit our cafes and bars where you will find the pleasure you wanted. Cinema club: Here you will be able to watch amusing cinemas and to take advantages of beverages, ise cream and etc. Open and closed disko clubs: These clubs are operated with high quality. You are offered open and closed discotheques. Here, children can also enjoy with entertainment programs.You can dance and enjoy with hit songs to your heart’s content. Internet connection: Also our hotel services wireless internet. Conference hall: If you want to hold conference, business meeting or training, so the conference hall of the “Relax” hotel is for your servicing at all times. Our conference hall provided with comfortable decisions.Our conference hall is also equipped with automated projection and remote microphone. Durinq coffee break time customers are served with tast tasty sweets,cooling beverages and tea.Our collective team is proud of high quality services.